This blog post has been rewritten so many times yet still we have not found the correct words to describe Lyndsay & Alex’s wedding. So lets just give you the basics and perhaps leave it up to all who were there to reminisce about the day. For those who were not there you will just have to take our word for it when we say it was the most incredible wedding ever.
The wedding stretched over two days with the ceremony held on Friday in a quaint yet majestic church in the heart of Swakopmund. The atmosphere was set when a range of church bells rang before Lindsay entered the church. In four years of shooting weddings we have never experienced such goosebumps.
Day two of the wedding we traveled 20km into the dessert where the reception was held. Another ceremony took place that made people cry and laugh so hard at the same time it was just beautiful to watch.
Lyndsay & Alex what a wedding, what a love you have, what an honor it has been to be present to witness it. Soos tannie Erka gese het dis nie gelukkige mense wat dankbaar is nie dis dankbare mense wat gelukkig is.
Ons is so dankbaar
Massive thank you to the Scott’s who were so kind to us. The love that you guys have for people and the bond between the 4 of you were incredible to witness. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Dankie Lerika was onvergeetlik!
Die mooiste mooiste troufotos op die mooiste plek ooit!!!